Friday, March 11, 2011

Folie Ideas

My first thought is trying to capture the history of the site.  It holds strong Brisbane history, and therefore it is important that the folie suits the history, but not overrides it. 
The folie cannot take away from the grand story bridge, which makes me feel the folie will have to establish a connection with what is already on the site.  
I want to capture the abandoned feel of the site but with a contemporary feel.  This is what I have come up with so far. 
Concrete base with timber walls.

Positioning on site. 

Investigations of Folie designs

Fiona Curren, This time next year things will be different.


Representing time through a tree house.  This is not meant to be used, as there is no way on getting into the tree house. This elevates the importance of the structure, as being nearly impossible to touch, while being so close. Note the interesting use of timber, can be structurally strong, and used in an intricate fashion, however at the same time, can be messy, and not help in shelter.

Overtreders W, The Roof That Goes Up in Smoke
The Roof That Goes Up in Smoke by Overtreders W
An inflatable pillow on stilts. Provides shelter, however has the illusion of being able to float away. Interesting use of structural timber as seating.

Zeinstra van Gelderen, Rubber House
Rubber House by Zeinstra van Gelderen architecten
Unoccupied folie
Rubber House by Zeinstra van Gelderen architecten
Person Getting In
Rubber House by Zeinstra van Gelderen architecten
Person inside
This holds one person and is made completely of rubber. It holds a bench and window. This concept is not at all appropriate with the site, as the site needs something open, and most of the materials used are very natural and structural.

Site Analysis

After my first visit to the site, I have done basic analysis on the site.

There is quite a lot already on the site. This is without looking at the workers and the construction work happening on the site at the moment.  I think I will design for the site, without looking at what the construction workers are doing, I am going to make the decision that they are cleaning up after the January floods in the Brisbane River. 

There is a lot of movement through the site, however most has been cut off due to construction workers on the site.  

There is constant light on the site, but due to the cliffs and the story bridge, shadows can be cast on it.